Spy Net 2.6 Rat

It hides the process name and startup keys have SPYNETRAT as a name. Tested on XP and work, is being developed and tested on other operating systems. Limit Connections selection. Ability to choose whether the server is installed or not on the remote computer. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جبت لكم برنامج Spy-Net RAT v2.6 الجديد صورة للبرنامج رابط تحميل البرنامج Spy-Net RAT v2.6 وهذ شرح فيديو للبرنامج يعرض كل ما هو جديد بالبرنامج Spy-Net RAT v2.6 - Video Password: Spy-Net.


Spy-Net RAT

Spy-Net is a software that allow you to control any computer in world using Windows Operating System.He is back using new functions and good options to give you full control of your remote computer.Stable and fast, this software offer to you a good interface, creating a easy way to use all his functions

When started this project, some users asked me to use better things from old Spy-Net and better things from Xtreme RAT and fix some little bugs. Now, users can control any remote computer with stability and no errors.
Here you can find good informations about Spy-Net, download links, tutorials and more... Any suggestions or bug reports can be sent to spynetcoder@gmail.com
Version 2.6 :

Spy Net 2.6 Rated

Version 3.1 :

NetVersion 3.1:
- Added Reverse Proxy (socks5) function (*)
- Corrected bug using Fake Message
- Corrected bug when client try to close some port used in main connection
- Changed ListView to VirtualStringTree (used in Xtreme RAT)
- Windows 2000 compatibility added
- Windows 8 bugs (keylogger, mouselogger and others) corrected
- Added UPnP when active Direct Proxy function
- Corrected bug using 'copy file' and 'melt' at same time

- Some little bugs corrected(*) To use Reverse Proxy function, go to your browser settings and enable ONLY socks5 proxy with ( + slected port)
Some available functions:
Extra options
- Passwords (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, MSN, and others)
- Open website
- Run commands
- Send files and run
- Download and run
- Proxy (http and https)
- and more...

File Manager
- List files (with information on each)- Run files (Parameter, normal and hidden)- Delete- Move to Trash

Spy Net 2.6 Rat Movie

- Download files (together, one by one and recursive)- Download Folders- Send files (directly or by FTP)- Preview image-

Spy Net 2.6 Rat Video

Set wallpaper- Search files on your computer- and more...

Process Manager
- List active processes (with information on each)- Kill or pause processes- and more...
Window Manager
- List active windows (with information on each)- Close, minimize, restore, change window title- and more...
Services Manager
- List installed services (with information on each)- Install- Uninstall- and more...
Registry Manager
- Works as Windows Regedit- Delete keys- Create keys

Spy Net 2.6 Rat For Sale

- Change keys- and more...
Clipboard Manager
- Manages the contents of the clipboard (text and files) of the computer (Ctrl + C)
Devices list
- Shows all devices available on the computer
Active ports
- List active connections (with information on each)- Kill connections- and more...
Command Prompt
- Works like DOS windows
And for Finish ...:


Version 2.6 :ICI

Version 3.1 :ICI

02-07-2010, 08:50 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2010 08:32 AM by 1337Inj3ct0r.)
Hellow This is my Second tutorial bare with me! :D
Start with downloading Spy-net 2.6
Here : http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php The pass is : Spy-Net
After that download No-ip DUC here :
No go to No-ip.com and press Create account.
Ok enter account information and such.
Activate account ( via email )
Ok.now you get to a Site named : No-ip.com/members.php .
You can see something named ' Add Host'
Press on that.
Then you can see something where there is written : hostname..
write something that u can remember there..
And continue dont touch anything else.
Now ur host is finished close the site.
Open up The DUC u downloaded at the start and u will se the name of ur host.. and a smiley with glasses
check the box and wait until there comes a sweet smiley
then close the DUC.
now to the port forwarding. The step EVERYONE hates. ( i hate it to )
Well. i will guide for netgear if u can do it the same way then its fine :)
ok go to web browser and write :
it will ask for a username and pass.
unless u made one yourself it should either be : Admin - admin or admin - password
Ok in the left side u see ' Port forwarding ' ..
Click on it.
U will see Name - start port - end port - Protocol - and Local ip .
in name write RAT. in start port write 82 in end port 82 to.
Change Protocol to TCP.
now go to start-run-Cmd .
and write ' IPconfig. '
find where theres written : Link- local Ipv6 adress.
and take the 2 or 3 last numbers and put in to Local ip. :)
OK now add it :
and add a new one where u call it .
RAT- 82 - 82 and UDP instead of TCP . and then the same in the local ip.
This is how it should look :)
ok ok that was the port forward.
now to setting up the rat..
open the file u got from me.
Press no to the question that comes..
ok it is a screwed languarge that we dont understand that comes up so heres how u change it to english :
Press : Opcoes. and after that : Selectionar idioma! :)
and choose english.ini .
Ok now to the setup.
File - Create server.
Press new.
Name it RAT and double click it.
You see The dns and port.
click add .
Now u enter ur hostname and then the port like this:

Ok. and click add.
Delete the other DNSand porT :)
Ok and now u just enable the things u would like Just play a litle with it :Duntil you find the options for you! :D
Click create server and build it.
Oh and a litle Advice.
if you need ur server Crypted Abstract got a very good Crypt service.
Cheap, good service and such :) well heres the link
http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=261195. :)
ok heres a litle spreading .
Make a Youtube account.
And make a movie file in movie maker.
use some SE skills to trick peoples to think its like a
UD Cs Hack.
Facebook app hack
Or anything else.
Upload sites.
Send a link with it in to your friends and make them send it to their friends.
Before they find out its a virus they have sended it to their friends who sended who sended
Well this was my second tutorial.
Bare with me if u think it was some shit please keep it back! :D
My Third SS-Rat tutorial! :)
My Second guide! spy-net TUT
Thanks Topper for the l33t Ilu man<,3